Tuesday 2 August 2011

5th Album

today is the second day of Ramadhan..

praise to Allah for giving me this gold opportunity to fast another day.

do you know what is the HOTTEST issue now among the teenagers???
don't pretend like don't know anything. =.=
it's a phenomena that swept the world!!!!
still don't get the clue??? clueless??
alright, i'll give you the hint.
it's something that relate with three alphabets. 'E.''L''F'
i'm waiting for you to respond me... time is ticking...tick..tick..tick..
teeetttt!!!! time's up!

the answer is........ SUPER JUNIOR 5TH ALBUM IS OUT!!!!!!!!
the album titled MR.SIMPLE contains about 13 new singles.
the leader of the dance boy band group, Lee Teuk had tweet about the latest album.:

MR.SIMPLE 공개!!!!!! 다들 한번씩 들어보세요!!!^^두번듣고 세번듣고 자꾸 듣게 될겁니다~^^

translation: {Trans} @special1004: MR.SIMPLE is released!!!!!! Everyone please listen to it for once!!!^^Listen to it twice and thrice, just keep listening to it~^^

the EVER LASTING FRIEND, E.L.F (fans of Super Junior) had been waiting for their 5 album since last year . The previous single,Bonamana had won many awards and hope this album will be as successful as their hitz single 'Sorry-Sorry' and 'Bonamana'.
The return of superior will be air soon on KBS World channel 391 on astro.
Super Junior will present a 'Come Back Stage' on ' KBS Music Bank'on the 5th of August, this Friday.
For those who don't have astro at home, you will be missed this special come back satage as this will be their last time with angel without wing, Lee Teuk and milky white Kim HeeChul because this two eldest members will be going to army for 2 years. Only 2 years later, they will be together again.But for the next album, Yesung won't be in because it's his turn to go to army.
Almost 5,000,000 'like' the teaser and 3,000 000 had watch the music video of Mr.Simple..


thanx to my sis for giving the information about SUper Junior to me..
creadit to you. actually i reallt don't have any idea on what to write about..
thanx my "super junior" sis!!!
i'll get you a copy of the album soon. if i have some extra money.. :P

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